Commercial Refrigeration Repairs & Maintenance

Gold Coast & Brisbane

What is Maintenance?

Maintenance is all of the activities that are carried out on your plant and equipment to ensure that performance is maintained and to provide assurance that the system will work when it is required.

Maintenance is not just fixing the equipment after a failure, it is performing routine preventative actions that keep your equipment in good working order while preventing further operational issues from arising.

The Benefits of Maintenance

The most important thing to understand is the benefits of HVAC&R maintenance. Good maintenance can provide:

  • Compliance with legal requirements. Compliance with regulatory duties is not optional and regular maintenance provides evidence for owners that regulatory measures have been met.
  • Maintained equipment performs better and more reliably than unmaintained equipment.
  • Equipment runs efficiently decreasing the cost in running the equipment while increasing the life of the equipment.

The Risk of Poor Maintenance

Poor maintenance of HVAC&R systems will result in unsatisfactory operation and higher running costs while exposing owners and operators to considerable costs and risks.

Breakdowns that occur from lack of maintenance are usually severe in nature, resulting in costly repair costs. Poor maintence will generally result in the equipment becoming less efficient while having higher operating costs.

Health, Safety and the Environment

HVAC&R systems can cause adverse environmental impact, especially in relation to refrigerants, noise, energy use and indoor air quality caused by poor ventilation standards or HVAC hygiene.

There are several environmental regulatory drivers for maintenance on HVAC&R equipment and they are refrigerant management and environmental noise control.

The Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989 and related Acts (the OSGG Acts) protect the environment by reducing emissions of ozone depleting substances and synthetic greenhouse gases such as refrigerant. These national regulations apply to all people who acquire, posses and dispose of or handle ozone depleting substances and synthetic greenhouse gases in the refrigeration and air conditioning industry. Environmental noise regulations are generally developed by state governments and enforced by local councils. HVAC&R noise level responsibilities rest with the owner of the equipment.

Economic Efficiency

In the commercial sector, the importance of the continuity of equipment operation usually relates to the effect that a loss of service will have on a building or business. The level of maintenance applied and the resources made availablet to facilitate it should reflect the magnitude of the the risk represented by a system failure.

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